Welcome to your March newsletter.
We would like to wish you all a very Happy Easter.
Meet the team
Last month we had a new addition to the team. We would like to welcome Louise Turner, our new Assistant Practitioner. Louise joins us with over 20 years of working for the NHS. She began her career working at a GP surgery and health centre where she trained as a community Phlebotomist. She then moved onto working for The Park Hospital in Nottingham as a healthcare assistant, and also worked in the Gynaecology department until she joined the Prescription Services Team in Nottingham. Louise has a keen interest in Stoma care due to personal experience caring for and supporting a family member. Louise is dedicated to helping her patients and going the extra mile to help improve their lives. Louise will be supporting the prescription coordinators on the phones during busy times.
Connect Prescription Services Website
Connect Prescription Services are excited to announce the launch of our new website. This can be accessed via the following link: –
We will be posting live information on the service phone-lines on the website. There’s information on how to order your prescriptions, frequently asked questions and some useful contacts.
Dispenser Survey
At Connect Prescription Services we are driven to offer the best service possible and to enable us to do this we need to understand the world in which we operate. We have had feedback from individuals telling us that some dispensers are not behaving ethically so we would like your input to help us to identify this practice so that it can be addressed. This link will take you to a survey of 9 questions which should take less than 10 minutes to complete https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/NAMSDACS
LAMS Survey
Recently, all LAMS patients should have received a survey in the post in regards to the service provided by LAMS. We would like to thank those who have completed and returned the survey. However, I would like to remind those who have no that the deadline is the end of May. If you would like to feedback on the service, we would be grateful if you could complete the survey and return it back to us in the prepaid envelope provided.
Opening hours
In January 2021 the opening hours for the service changed: We are open 08:00 – 20:00 Monday & Wednesday, 08:00-17:00 Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and 09:00 – 13:00 on Saturdays. The phone lines are closed the first and third Wednesday of each month between 10:00 – 12:00 for staff training.
*On the 21st April 2021 the training hours will be slightly different as the lines will be closed between 09:00 – 11:00.*
Bank holiday closed dates 2021
Friday 2nd April 2021
Saturday 3rd April 2021
Monday 5th April 2021
Monday 3rd May 2021
Monday 31st May 2021
Monday 30th August 2021
Saturday 25th December 2021
Monday 27th December 2021
Tuesday 28th December 2021
Monday 3rd January 2022