NAMS Newsletter Jan 2021


Dear all,


Happy New Year!


With January almost over here is the first of our 2021 newsletters.


COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 is still very much a part of our lives but the vaccines offer a glimmer of hope on the horizon. As Key workers, all of our NAMS staff have now had their first dose of the vaccine and have an appointment in March for the second. In the meantime, we will continue to offer support through clinic appointments, video consultations and home visits taking the appropriate measures to ensure we are keeping everyone safe.


Consent for research

We also continue to look for ways in which we can improve the service we are providing and, over the coming weeks you may be asked by the prescription coordinators if you are willing for us to use your data so that we can research what we are doing and how we can do it better. This is optional and your answer will, in no way affect the care or service you receive. Any data we do use will be anonymised and therefore will not be traced back to you but along with the data from other service users will provide us with valuable information. Please consider allowing us access to your data to be able to do this.


Peer Support

Another project we will be working on in 2021 is to set up a NAMS registry of people who will be willing to offer advice or support to fellow ostomates. We realise that, although we may be the clinical experts in stoma care you are the experts in living with a stoma and hold invaluable information that others may benefit from. In line with GDPR we would keep your details securely and only share with relevant individuals with your permission. If you would like to help others and be added to this registry please email Similarly, if you would like to be put in touch with another ostomate for support please let us know.


Kindest regards,


The NAMS Team.